Exam Results

The grid below outlines the results of the CMD exam. The exam has been administered since 1988. The scaled raw cut score for passing is 600 out of a total possible of 800. 

Year Number of
1/2025 115 80.5%
9/2024 143 88%
1/2024 125 84%
9/2023 100 81%
1/2023 103 85%
9/2022 91 92%
1/2022 101 88%
9/2021 100 84%
1/2021 111 77%
9/2020 105 74%
1/2020 124 86%
4/2019 174 83%
8/2018 90 80%
1/2018 104 77%
8/2017 86 77%
2/2017 126 72%
8/2016 174 70%
1/2016 135 77%
8/2015 118 77%
2/2015 132 67%

Evolution of The CMD Exam

2012 – Three routes to eligibility, (1) Graduation from Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiation Technology (JRCERT) Accredited program, (2) BS Degree or American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Certified, 12 Continuing Education Credits in Medical Dosimetry and 24 months validated on the job experience, (3) or Associates Degree, 12 Continuing Education Credits, 36 months validated on the job experience.

2013 – Two routes to eligibility (1) Graduation from Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiation Technology (JRCERT) Accredited program, (2) Bachelor’s Degree in any field or American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Certified, 24 Continuing Education Credits in Medical Dosimetry and 36 months validated on the job experience.

2015 - Route 1 and Route 2 candidates will be required to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. ARRT registry will no longer be accepted as eligibility criteria for the educational requirement.

2017 - One standard for all US applicants. Candidates will be required to have a Bachelor's Degree and have graduated from a formal Dosimetry program accredited by the JRCERT. Applicants practicing outside the US are eligible to submit an International application.

2020 - Performance Based Testing (PBT) items were introduced into the exam utilizing a third-party platform. The items performed well and were well-received by exam candidates.