Reporting Credits
Click here to download step-by-step instructions for uploading CE to your learning plan.
- CE credits can be updated and tracked continuously as a benefit of active MDCB registration.
- CMDs can accumulate CE credits beginning January 1 following certification (provided the annual renewal fee has been submitted).
- Credits must be earned during a current five-year cycle.
- All CE activities must be pre-approved by the MDCB.
- Credit can be recorded by updating transcripts in the CE Center at In accordance with ARRT RCEEM guidelines, for each activity submitted, CMDs will be required to complete a 4-question evaluation.
- CMDs must maintain all certificates of attendance, grade transcript or other proof of completion of activities for 5 years.
- MDCB will conduct audits throughout the year according to the announced schedule.
- Documentation of credits should be updated in the year earned.
- At the end of every 5-year term, the CMD must have completed a minimum of 50 MDCB approved/accepted CE credits to remain actively credentialed. The AAMD Foundation offers a grant for travel to an AAMD conference to CMDs in need of 20+ credits. For details on the grant, see