Reporting Credits

Click here to download step-by-step instructions for uploading CE to your learning plan.

  1. CE credits can be updated and tracked continuously as a benefit of active MDCB registration.
  2. CMDs can accumulate CE credits beginning January 1 following certification (provided the annual renewal fee has been submitted).
  3. Credits must be earned during a current five-year cycle.
  4. All CE activities must be pre-approved by the MDCB.
  5. Credit can be recorded by updating transcripts in the CE Center at In accordance with ARRT RCEEM guidelines, for each activity submitted, CMDs will be required to complete a 4-question evaluation. 
  6. CMDs must maintain all certificates of attendance, grade transcript or other proof of completion of activities for 5 years.
  7. MDCB will conduct audits throughout the year according to the announced schedule.
  8. Documentation of credits should be updated in the year earned.
  9. At the end of every 5-year term, the CMD must have completed a minimum of 50 MDCB approved/accepted CE credits to remain actively credentialed. The AAMD Foundation offers a grant for travel to an AAMD conference to CMDs in need of 20+ credits. For details on the grant, see