Exam Scoring
Scores are available approximately 6 weeks after the exam at https://mdcb.learningbuilder.com. Candidates will be notified via email when scores are available.
Candidates can be assured of scoring accuracy. Every exam is scored first in the test center, second in the operational scoring system at Prometric’s data center, and third by an independent Prometric statistical system. The scores from these three systems are compared to ensure validity of score reporting.
The exams are graded electronically and the collective data reviewed and analyzed by a PhD psychometrician.
The MDCB exam is a pass/fail exam; actual scores are not provided. Scores are not based on a curve as it is typical for non-certification testing and represent only each individual's overall performance. Each candidate’s ability is measured against a determined cut score identified by the cut score study, a recognized industry practice. Thus, each candidate is measured against the same standard. Candidates are not required to have a passing score in each of the seven domains of the exam in order to achieve a passing score. Fail reports with details are provided so that candidates can assess their performance in each of the content areas. The results of the exam are confidential and provided only to the exam candidate and the MDCB. An aggregate score for all Route 1 candidates will be provided to program directors of each JRCERT program.
Score Confirmation Request
Candidates who wish to have results confirmed by the MDCB testing company, may request a confirmation of score. Please note that the confirmation process is solely meant to verify the accuracy of your exam result. Raw or scaled scores will not be provided.
The deadline for requesting a score confirmation is 30 days after the date results are posted for your review. Requests must be submitted in writing by mail to the MDCB office and must be accompanied by credit card payment. The fee for an exam score confirmation is $250. Please note that due to security issues, the MDCB cannot accept credit card payment by email.
Score confirmation results will be forwarded by email. Please allow two weeks for a response.