Learning Plan Review Schedule for 2025

To assist CMDs in maintaining their learning plans, the MDCB will be reviewing learning plans based on the following schedule in 2025:

Year 5 of Cycle: Continuous review for CMDs with 5-year cycle ending in 2025.

Year 4 of Cycle: January, April, July and October for CMDs with 5-year cycle ending in 2026.

Year 3 of Cycle: February, May, August and November for CMDs with 5-year cycle ending in 2027.

Year 2 of Cycle: March, June, September and December for CMDs with 5-year cycle ending in 2028.

Year 1 of Cycle: March, June, September and December for CMDs with 5-year cycle ending in 2029.

When updating your learning plan, please remember the top five reasons that Learning Plan activities are not approved: 

  • The MDCB activity number and activity name are not on the documentation or the activity number doesn't correspond to the activity number downloaded to your Learning Plan. 
  • The date the activity was completed is not within the start and end dates indicated. To determine an activity start and end date, click on the blue box to the left of the activity to determine the approval period.
  • The documentation is not in an acceptable unalterable format, i.e. pdf, tiff, bmp, jpg.
  • The activity was not completed during the current 5-year cycle.
  • Your name is not on the documentation.